physical therapist

Best Value for the Physical Therapist

Several factors can lead to femoro-patellar syndrome. When analyzing the time of onset of symptoms, there is often a history of change that precedes the onset of the injury, for example an increase in the volume of physical activity, the practice of a sport involving jumps or of the race, a change of running surface or an inadequate alignment of the lower limbs during certain repetitive movements. Certain factors can also predispose you to the development of a femoro-patellar syndrome including, among other things, too weak muscles in the hip or knee or poor biomechanical alignment. For the physical therapist this is important.

Advice From Your Physio

There are a few things that can help you prevent the development of PFS. A consultation with your physiotherapist will first confirm your diagnosis and direct you towards the best solutions to get you back on your feet.

An adequate and well-adapted training program is most important. In addition to maintaining good strength and flexibility of the lower limbs, it is important to progress gradually when starting a new physical activity.

Are you still bothered by pain? Identify the activities that cause it and reduce the level of intensity to reduce irritation. The key? Do your activities to avoid an increase in pain during, after or the next day?

physical therapist

After your activities, apply ice to the pain site. This could help control it. Once the problem is resolved, in order to prevent recurrences, it will be important to warm-up well before sports, gradually increase the level of activity and strengthen your lower limb muscles.

What the Physiotherapist Can Do To Help You

Be aware that if your pain persists, a few meetings with your physiotherapist can help you get better treatment. Your physiotherapist or sports physiotherapist will carry out a complete evaluation of your joint as well as an analysis of the biomechanics of your lower limbs and of your sporting movements if necessary.

The treatment chosen by your physio will be based on three principles, either the reduction of pain ex: taping or orthosis, the improvement of the femoro-patellar dynamics as well as the reeducation of sports gestures. Your physiotherapist will also advise you on the management of your activities and will offer you an exercise program personalized to your needs.

The Physio-Health physiotherapy clinic also provides access to a host of services under one roof: physiotherapy, kinesiology, massage therapy, occupational therapy and many more. Make an interdisciplinary health appointment now. Achilles tendinopathy is an irritation of the Achilles tendon, the structure that connects the calf to the heel bone. This creates pain and sometimes even swelling in the tendon behind the ankle. The wound can be located either at the insertion on the heel or at the middle portion of the tendon. It can occur as a result of trauma, but it is mostly related to overuse in everyday life or in sport. The pain of Achilles tendinopathy is usually much localized on the Achilles tendon or when inserted on the heel bone. Note that tendonitis is not the only pathology that can cause pain in this part of the foot. If you have a heel pain, you may also have plantar fasciitis.

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