
Don’t Let Blocked Drains Ruin Your Day – Here’s How to Fix Them!

If you’re a homeowner, then you know the struggle of dealing with blocked drains. It’s a common issue that can quickly become a nightmare if not addressed promptly. The good news is, there are ways to prevent and fix blocked drains so they don’t ruin your day. On our website , we’ll explore some tips and tricks to keep your drains clear and flowing smoothly. And for those occasions when things do go wrong, we’ve got you covered with some quick DIY solutions. So, let’s dive in and say goodbye to blocked drains for good!


Watch What You Flush Down

One of the biggest culprits of blocked drains is what we flush down them. Whether it’s excessive amounts of toilet paper, wet wipes, or other non-flushable items, they can cause a build-up and clog in your drains. To prevent this, be mindful of what you’re flushing down. Stick to only flushing toilet paper and try to limit the amount you use. This will not only help keep your drains clear but also reduce your water usage and save you money on your water bill.

Use a Drain Screen

If you have long hair, then you may be familiar with the hassle of cleaning out shower drains regularly. Hair is another common cause of blocked drains, especially in bathrooms. But fear not, there’s an easy solution – a drain screen. These screens are inexpensive and can be placed over your drains to catch any hair and prevent it from going into the pipes. Simply clean out the screen after each shower, and voila, no more clogged drains!

Hot Water and Baking Soda

If you start to notice your sink or shower draining slower than usual, it may be a sign of a blockage forming. A quick and natural way to unclog your drains is by using hot water and baking soda. Simply pour a pot of boiling water down the drain followed by half a cup of baking soda. Let it sit for a few minutes, then pour another pot of hot water down. The combination of the two will help dissolve any build-up and free your drains.

DIY Drain Snake

If you don’t have a drain snake on hand, you can make your own DIY version with items you likely have lying around the house. All you need is a wire hanger and some pliers. Straighten out the hanger and use the pliers to bend one end into a small hook. Insert it into the drain and start fishing for any hair or other debris that may be causing the blockage. This method may take a bit more time and patience, but it’s an effective and low-cost solution.

Call in the Professionals

If all else fails and you’re still dealing with persistent blocked drains, it may be time to call in the professionals. Plumbers have specialized tools and equipment to quickly and effectively unclog your drains. They can also inspect your pipes for any potential issues and provide solutions to prevent future blockages.

Prevention is always better than a cure when it comes to blocked drains. By following these simple tips, you can save yourself time, money, and stress in the long run. Remember to always watch what you flush down, use drain screens, and try natural remedies before resorting to harsh chemicals. And if all else fails, don’t hesitate to call in the experts.

The Bottom Line

Blocked drains can be a headache, but they don’t have to ruin your day. By being proactive and taking preventative measures, you can keep your drains clear and flowing smoothly. And if you do run into any issues, there are plenty of easy and affordable solutions to try before calling in the professionals. So, don’t let blocked drains get the best of you – with these tips, you’ll have them cleared up in no time!

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