hyperkeratosis dog

Hyperkeratosis of dog: Manifestations of the disease

The incubation period continuation from the moment the pathogen enters the body of the animal and until the first signs of the disease occur in dogs can last 3 to 21 days. In some cases the duration of the incubation period is much longer. This can take 2-3 months. In recent years, given the development of the immune system of animals, the disease’s disease has undergone certain changes. For the hyperkeratosis dog this is important.

In the past, if the disease was clearly apparent, clinically noticeable, accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature and intoxication symptoms, an atypical form of the disease or a combination of the disease with other infections is becoming more common.

In the first stages of three to five days the disease is expressed in conjunctivitis bilateral, serous. In the morning and in the afternoon the eyelashes of the animal are glued together with festering secretions of different colors, the dog opens its eyes hard, experiences photophobia. A pet can try to leave lit rooms, find a shade, hide under the bed, tables, and look for cool areas. In combination with conjunctivitis, or a little later, there is an abundant rhinofei, a dry cough, which turns into a wet cough during the week.

Types and course of the disease

The severity of manifestations of the disease determines the conditional distribution of dog disease in various forms: generalized, intestinal, nervous, skin or lung.

hyperkeratosis dog

How a certain form of the disease arises is primarily determined by how reactive the dog’s organism is. Different clinical manifestations from fever to nervous system symptoms can be caused by the same strain of the pathogen.

The course of the disease can be acute and sub-acute, fulminant or chronic. There is also a failed form of the disease.

The fulminant course of the disease means the almost complete absence of manifestations of the disease. the animal dies within 24 hours.

The acute course is accompanied by a rapid rise in temperature to 41 degrees. This symptom is most pronounced in the evening or at night. The animal’s appetite can be distorted, but in most cases it disappears. The dog is very thirsty. After the development of coma, the puppy or adult dies on the twenty-seventh day of the disease.

Sub-acute flow is expressed as a significant increase in body temperature, which is determined for the period of 1 day to 14 days. The fever then becomes moderate. For puppies whose age has reached one and a half months, the temperature may rise slightly or remain normal. Fever is accompanied by apathy, slow behavior, trembling, anxiety, lack of appetite. The nose is dry and rough.

Lung shape: It is expressed in violation of the functions of the respiratory organs: first the upper respiratory tract is affected, then the lower respiratory tract. There is a consistency in the development of symptoms from rhinitis to pneumonia and bronchitis.

Intestinal form: Accompanied by serious violations of gastrointestinal tract functions, manifesting acute gastroenteritis, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting. This can result in rapid dehydration and exhaustion of a pet. The stool contains a large amount of mucus, sometimes blood is mixed with it.

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